Friday, June 26, 2009

Consta and I are off to meet my parents in sunny California tomorrow. Seriously, check out this amazing (I know your jealous soggy Maryland) forecast!

holy smokes cs4!

i went to a mini cs4 seminar at work today. they showed us a lot of the great new features involved with the software including this sweet little feature:

say I want to make the image above a bit smaller in width, but I liked the length of the photo. I don't want to get rid of anything, so I want to keep the boat, sunset and birds. How do I do this? Hmm...I could Transform the photo (below) but, then I end up with an anorexic sun and a really short boat.

Instead, I use Edit > Content Aware Scale. I end up with the image below where everything stays in proportion.

Of course I could not wait to test this out at home. The first image I chose was a random photo with a little boy I know. I realized that photoshop needs to be able to tell the background from the "main" parts of the image. It ended up making poor Luke look like a wrinkled old man.

It's still a really great new tool. Probably my favorite from the day. I'll try to remember to post more of these as I test them out.

Monday, June 22, 2009


this dog is mostly how i feel today.

i'm drained and tired. home buying is being put on hold - again. it's all because of a pretty big financial problem that should have been taken care of a year ago. i'm annoyed and completely tired of waiting - i'm even more tired of waiting for parents to grow up and stop relying on their kids.

this is suppose to be a time when consta and i come together and get giddy about getting our first place together. i'm excited about moving in with him and packing his lunch everyday. maybe not the most glamourous of things but, i'm looking forward to it.

unfortunately all it seems to do is annoy him when i talk about it.

i seriously don't know why i get excited about this anymore.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

some serious great deals at banana republic. i made out like bandit!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Consta and I decided that we're finally going to start looking for a place of our own. I expect it to be a long, draining process. I know, I'm so optimistic. Despite that house prices and interest rates have dropped, property taxes are up.
