Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy What?

I walked through the front door at work today and to my suprise the scrolling marque did not shout "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!" at me like it normally would on any other holiday. Whoever writes these signs also over uses their exclamation marks. I'm almost afraid that they'll use so many exclamation marks there will be a shortage in the world some day very soon.

I digress. Instead, the sign read, "Happy Single Awareness Day." No exclamation marks. Just a sign wishing every person without a significant other a happy day...despite the love in the air, the chocolate candy grams being delievered and the bundles of overly priced red roses. A day just for you to let you know you are very much alone on a day full of love.

Harsh but, rather funny.


The Stace said...

That's a bit depressing. Real but sad. Talk about the alternate reality, huh?

Makes me want to meet the person who wrote it. Does s/he have a sick sense of humor or wishing for a valentine?

CK said...

HA! That is kind of twisted, but amusing. Maybe I find it so funny because I've never really been into Valentine's Day anyway. People asked me what the boyfriend and I did for Valentine's Day and they thought I was crazy when I said, "We watched LOST and ate leftovers."